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Grievance Procedure

Grievance Procedure for Temporary Workers

A grievance is a concern, problem or complaint that a worker raises with their line manager or agency representative.

From time to time, you may have a grievance in relation to your assignment. The Company is committed to ensuring that every effort is made to resolve any grievances or complaints you may have as quickly and as objectively as possible. Therefore, the Company has established a Grievance Procedure that should be followed by you if you have any grievance or complaint. This procedure ensures that any such complaints will be dealt with in a fair and consistent manner.

This Grievance Policy and Procedure is not contractual, and the Company reserves the right to amend the Policy and Procedures from time to time.

The Principles are:

· It is in the interest of both parties that workers should be encouraged to have direct contact with their line manager or Westray representative to resolve any problems they may have

· Should a matter be referred to this procedure for resolution, both parties should accept that it will be progressed as speedily as possible

· You have the right to be accompanied to any grievance hearing by a work colleague or qualified Trade Union representative

· If your line manager is the subject of the grievance or dispute and, for this reason you do not wish the grievance or dispute to be heard by them, it shall be referred initially to your Westray representative

· All statements, records and proceedings will be kept confidential

· You have the right to appeal if you believe the outcome decision to be unsatisfactory


If you have a query or grievance relating to your assignment, you should first discuss it with your line manager. If your line manager cannot resolve the issue to your satisfaction informally, you should next discuss it with your Westray representative. If your Westray representative cannot resolve the issue to your satisfaction informally, inform them that you wish to raise a formal grievance. This should be done in writing and should set out the nature of the grievance.

It should contain:

• details of the complaint

• any relevant dates

• details of who was involved.

In line with the above, the following will apply:

• following receipt of the written grievance, the appointed Westray representative will then consider the issue in a formal meeting with you at which a note taker may be present

• you should make every effort to attend this meeting

• in some circumstances it may be necessary to further investigate your grievance before a decision is taken

After the meeting, any decision or action proposed by the Westray representative will be set out in writing and a copy given to you. Where appropriate, detailing remedial action taken.

In cases where the Westray Representative is unable to resolve the grievance satisfactorily, or you believe you have been treated unfairly, you may request an appeal in writing within 5 working days, the matter will then be referred to an alternative Westray representative, or where this is not possible, the same Westray representative will hear your appeal and act as impartially as possible. The decision at this stage will be final and communicated to you in writing as soon as is reasonably practicable.

It is agreed that where the running of the workplace will not be adversely affected, the position existing prior to the dispute will be maintained until agreement of any remedial action is reached.

Third Party Involvement

We reserve the right to allow third parties to chair any meeting.

Recording of Formal Meetings

We reserve the right to record any formal meetings whether conducted by us or a third party, a copy of the recording will be made available to you for your records.

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